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Completed Projects


Historic Villa Garden Maintenance

The project

A garden more than in line with the historicity of the villa, wonderful rose gardens surrounded by shells and confinement hedges for a little privacy but without giving up the spectacular view of the Valtiberina!

A garden that definitely needs periodic maintenance to keep the flowerbeds shiny and tidy, for an entrance that is always, Wow!

A good reform of the roses was absolutely necessary, as some had now overgrown the shell hedge losing the uniformity both in height and in width.
So in February we carried out an important rose pruning operation, eliminating the oldest and dry parts, giving space and new life to the new vegetation.
It was also necessary to free these splendid roses from all the weeds present, a work of extreme patience but which gives us great satisfaction!
We can’t wait to return in April to see new flowering in all its glory!

The most appreciated work at a glance were certainly the two cypresses on the edge of the fence.
They hadn’t been fixed for years and so we immediately got to work.
First we tried to tie the falling branches to the main trunk, then we cleaned up the imperfections with the help of specific tools.
I’ll let you judge the final result!




Garden care




February 2023

cipressi primacipressi

Before and after

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Curabitur nam dis auctor suspendisse. Lacus habitant at mi vulputate. Consequat malesuada inceptos vitae vestibulum eget. Facilisi ipsum sollicitudin euismod suscipit nullam ex. Pellentesque vehicula fusce urna. Nisl eleifend accumsan litora congue.

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